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Joslyn Clark

Joslyn Clark

Joslyn Clark创立于20世纪60年代,专注真空接触器和起动柜多达60年,是此领域的全球领导者。工厂位于美国北卡罗兰那州的Elizabethtown,产品包括真空接触器和软启动柜家族产品。

Joslyn Clark(强士林 克拉克)总部位于美国,作为世界领先的真空接触器、软启动器和消防泵控制器的制造商,Joslyn Clark致力于不断提高生命安全和消防的行业标准。追溯到20世纪20年代,Joslyn Clark(强士林 克拉克)公司建立之初便将产品的创新和安全可靠性作为公司发展的根本。“安全至上”是Joslyn Clark公司的宗旨,公司产品质量达到甚至超过全美消防协会标准 NFPA20。在过去的大半个世纪中,Joslyn Clark 强士林克拉克公司专注于真空接触器、软启动器和消防泵控制器的研发和应用,推出了大批革命性的产品,并拥有多项专利,占北美地区占真空接触器总市场的90% 以上。

Joslyn Clark在欧洲、美洲和亚洲的10多个国家拥有分支机构和办事处。

As the world leader in vacuum contactors, starters and controllers, Joslyn Clark is dedicated to continually raising the bar for industry standards of in life safety and fire protection.

Dating back to the 1920’s, Joslyn Clark began as the Clark Controller Company. Instantly recognized as a pioneer of innovation and quality, Clark products were recognized for their advanced design and reliability. And although the name has changed a couple times over the years, the only thing that hasn’t is our commitment to excellence and unrivaled safety and reliability.

Joslyn Clark currently maintains two state-of-the-art modern manufacturing facility in Elizabethtown, NC. Joslyn Clark's long history of loyalty and commitment is reflected in our employees, many of whom were on the original development team for some of Joslyn Clark's products, and are still with us today as we continue to refine and implement new improvements and innovations every year. This culture of low turnover and long-term dedication is one of the ways Joslyn Clark’ve been able to build and incorporate so much innovation and long-lasting quality into our products.

Distributed through more than 270 dedicated electrical and industrial distributors through the United States, the Joslyn Clark brand is renowned across the globe for our superior quality, unbeatable value and impeccable customer service.

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